Gautham Maheswaran
Co-Founder, RACEnergy race-logo

Gautham’s journey in the automobile industry can be traced back to when he built his first race car when he was just sixteen years old. He made several important contributions to Inspired Karters FS, a motorsports team he was a part of at BITS Pilani. Gautham was instrumental in bringing the cars to life, from mere designs to actual performance on track within months. Having worked in diverse fields of engineering, Gautham is very adept at bringing together the various branches of research and engineering, such as battery technology, powertrain, software, firmware, hardware, cloud computing, mechanical, electrical, etc. required to build an automotive product. In 2018, he along with fellow collegemate, Arun Sreyas, co-founded RACEnergy - a startup headquartered in Hyderabad, that focuses on accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in India, starting with electric three-wheelers in the public transport sector. Being a multi-faceted engineer, one can find him defining product architecture in one hour and going to weld the chassis in the next, making him a valuable asset. Through RACEnergy, Gautham aims to set up the largest battery swapping network across India and the world.