Presently, Professor at the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), Amartya Mukhopadhyay completed his Doctoral in Materials Research
from the University of Oxford, UK, in 2009. He did his post-doctoral Research at Brown University, USA,
for a couple of years. He is a Young Associate of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) and
Founder member – cum – Vice-President of the Battery Research Society (of India), Council member of MRSI
Mumbai Chapter and served as the Honorary Secretary of the Mumbai Chapter of the Indian Institute of
Metals (IIM).
His research interests include materials, electrochemistry and cell fabrication for electrochemical energy
storage; focusing on alkali metal-ion and metal-based batteries, such as Li-ion, Na-ion, solid-state
batteries and beyond.
Among his major accomplishments, he has been awarded with the ‘TATA Transformation Prize 2024’, ‘SwarnaJayanti Fellowship 2020-21’, ‘BPCL Innovation Award’, recognized by the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) journals as one of the ‘2019 Emerging Investigators’, awarded with the 'IIT Bombay Research Dissemination Award 2018', 'INAE Young Engineer Award 2016', 'ASM-IIM North America Visiting Lectureship 2016', 'IIT Bombay Young Investigator Award 2014' and 'Dr. R. L. Thakur Memorial Award' by the 'Indian Ceramic Society' in 2013.