Sauro Mezzetti
Chairman, the Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce of Chennai and the local honorary consular agent for Italy, India

Sauro Mezzetti was born in Castel San Pietro Terme, in Bologna district, Italy on 30 august 1957. He is the Chairman of the Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce of Chennai and the local honorary consular agent for Italy. He has been travelling in India and studied her modern history and economy since more than forty years.
He has held public posts in the local administration in Italy from 1980 to 1995. Among his appointments he has been working for the export development agency of the region of Emilia-Romagna from 1989 to 1995 taking care of the Indian Market. He was subsequently involved with the local regional Agency for Technical Development, doing liason work with the Universities and Research Centers.
He has graduated in History & Geography of East-Asia at the Bologna University in 1984-85 with a thesys on Indian nationalism, Secularism and communalism during the Freedom Movement period. Subsequently he has received a post-degree in cooperation with Developing countries at the faculty of Political Science of Bologna University (academic year 1987-88) with a paper of economic history on deindustrialisation in India in the early British period.