Hall No. 3, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
EVs are currently being developed and produced in the country. However, there is a dire need to create entrepreneurship opportunities for stakeholders to tap this huge potential market. The government of India has undertaken multiple initiatives to promote the manufacturing and adoption of electric vehicles in India. With the support of the government, electric vehicles have started penetrating the Indian market.
With “Future is with E-mobility” as the broader thematic platform, Franchise India Group aims at bringing together EV Innovators, Investors & Industry leaders from across management level to exchange ideas and invest in the future.
Polilcy makers are aggressively pushing for EV adoption. AS per technology customer's behavior is changing.
The 4th edition of India EV Show is covering the entire EV ecosystem
Delegates will learn what industries are likely to be disrupted, which segments are set to grow and how they can leverage this opportunity.
Investors will understand how to capitalise on the new dawn of mobility, with key focus on no emission vehicles and fuel cell technology
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